Thursday, December 5, 2013

Lake House: Week 2 SNOW!!! and Family...

After our first week at the Lake House, my brother's family decided to come an visit for a long weekend. We were JUST able to cram everyone into this one shower house. Everyone had beds except the little kids. We threw them on a pile of blankets to sleep.

While hanging with the family, we decided to split up. The girls headed out for a spa day and a modern dance show at the Boston Conservatory. The dance show was... interesting. We didn't stay the whole because we were starving and the relative who was in the show had already performed.

That evening Chris started up the pit fire. It was pretty perfect! It was soooo cold outside, but pulled up to the fire, with a nice "drink" in my hand, I could have stayed there all night. I chatted with my sister in law and watched the kids light things on fire.

Chris and I convinced my brother and his wife to hit Foxwoods for some unsuccessful gambling.

The day after my brother left, it snowed.

It was like Christmas morning for Isabel. She burst into our bedroom and screamed "It snowed!!!"

We spent the morning destroying every bit of that 1-2 inches of snow.

The next day we decided to check out a recommended Maple Syrup House in New Hampshire. We traversed 1.5 hours north and got there. It isn't currently maple syrup season, but they still served breakfast to us.

Since we were already in the car, I decided to make the day a road trip and get Maine out of the way. We kept heading northwest until we finally hit Maine. I think we only spent 2 hours there. We looked at the harbor of KIttery. We ate Lobster in Maine. Then we hit a candy store that had post cards. And more candy...- sigh-

After we left Maine, we headed south towards Ipswich, MA. I have always heard of Ipswich clams, and where better to eat them? It was dark. It was a long drive. But I got my clams! Best food day EVER!!!

Random photos:

She starts off looking like some sort of panda...

Then she adds blood...

What a pretty picture, WITH all of the technology!

Are those the elusive galaxy leggings that we have been searching for???!!!

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