Sunday, October 20, 2013

Leg 2: Colonial Strife in Williamsburg

Our next stop was Williamsburg. I underestimated the drive. I had planned on stopping in Raleigh to meet up with my Brother-in-Law, and I knew that was 4 hours. I didn't account for the other three hours it takes to get to Williamsburg.

We were impressed with the scenery. We literally ripped the power cord out of the DVD player to make the kids stare in awe of the "cotton fields." They oohed and awwwwed.

I then made Chris pull over onto private property to steal a puff. One little puff...

The girls acted like they were trying to traverse the jungles of Vietnam as they crossed the two feet of brambles to the cotton. After what seemed like ten minutes, I yelled at them to get back to the car, "We are breaking the law!!!!"

We booked it back to the car and stopped in Florence, SC for Mexican food. The kids both ordered the required vegetables to earn churros. We love churros.

We arrived in Williamsburg in the early evening and decided to camp out at the hotel. Pizza ordered. Check. Homework to complete. Check. Sleep. Check!

The next day we headed to Colonial Williamsburg. I met up with my brother Scott and my nephews Hunter and Jackson.

Jackson is closer in age to Isabel than any of the other cousins, so I have been hearing a refrain of "when will we see Jackson?" and "Are we going to be with Jackson?" for the past four days.

Finally! We found Jackson.

Now one of the things you can do in Williamsburg is rent a period costume. I insisted we dress up Isabel and Jackson in period garb. I was so excited!!!

Isabel was not.

It actually turned into tears. This went on for 45 minutes until we realized that it was the mob cap that was upsetting and embarrassing her. (For my diverse friends, I DID offer her the choice of the male costume instead. She turned me down.)

We strolled the grounds and met the actors. Isabel seemed pretty interested in some of the demonstrations. Jackson was more interested in "shooting" random people with his musket, and Hunter was hungry the entire time.

Cici was the only person who genuinely enjoyed every moment of the trip. She was upset that they did not have period costumes for her to rent. Instead we bought her a cap that she wore the entire day. Poor baby...

We gave up around 3:00 due to a limping Isabel and headed back to the hotel. That evening we went to a seafood restaurant and then went to swim... again...

Overall, this was not my favorite stop. I feel that Isabel wasn't as interested as she could have been if Colonial Williamsburg was a bit more interactive for Isabel.

My nephew Jackson solved this interaction problem by accosting other people at the park who were ALSO dressed in period garb (re-enactors???).

Jackson with his "random stranger." When asked "Who do you think that is?"
 He replied, "An American!"

1 comment:

  1. My favorite part of Williamsburg was the Governor's mansion and the gardens. I also love the molasses rock candy. Jamestown is a little more involved for the little ones from what I remember. But I went as a pre-teen who was into photography... so it was all fun for me. Plus I knew I'd be going to Busch Gardens, so that always helped
